Friday, April 27, 2012

Logical Fallacy

A logical fallacy I have come face to face with in real life was when my parents always backed up their arguments with “Because I said so!” That never sat well with me; firstly, there was no concrete reason behind why they denied me having what I wanted (which, looking back on it, was quite a lot more than I needed), and secondly, because I caught on that it was a way for my parents to say that the argument was over when they couldn’t keep going. Whether that reason was because of something I wouldn’t understand or they realized they were wrong but didn’t want to give up their beliefs, I don’t know and I’ll likely never know. This lack of knowledge as a child forced me to become cynical of my parents, and as a result, of most of the rest of the world. When you can’t trust your own parents to tell you the truth, who can you trust? It’s a vicious cycle of hatred and disgust which I was in for a period of about three years. It was terrible, made only worse with trying to deal with personal issues that were going on, and getting through it was probably the hardest part of my life to this point, and I’d be shocked if there’s any period of time which was as hard as that, where being cynical and bitter in conjunction with personal issues cause me to actually take a step back and evaluate my outlook on life and my lifestyle. Once I realized the cycle I was in, one where my life at home affected my life in school which affected my life at home, I was able to make myself better and remove myself from it my final year of high school, but it didn’t change the fact I was stuck in the cycle in the first place, and that high school was just a state of constant anger and depression. The one place I was safe was in my music, which was a callback to the time before this silly hatred of everything and before everything was bringing me down, and the music I wrote in high school reflected that. I can go back and read the lyrics, listen to what I wrote and I still am shocked at the state of mind I was in, how terrible of a shape my mind was in.

That actually turned very intospective; I think I lost track of what I was supposed to be writing about. Oh well.

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