Friday, April 6, 2012

Diagnostic Essay

Figured I'd start with a song, because why not?

Hello there, my name is Marcus Bienvenu. Ever since I had an understanding of how words magically got on my computer screen, I’ve been fascinated with writing, and over the course of the last seven or so years I’ve been writing various stories, which I shared with friends who enjoyed them to varying degrees, usually related to how much they enjoyed reading in the first place.

Technology as a whole has improved our lives by untold amounts, but it’s the routine moments in daily life that have been improved by technology the most. Being able to have a conversation with someone who isn’t in the same room, who’s across the street, or even across the world is something that wasn’t even possible fifty years ago; now, it’s commonplace to do that while walking down the street. This surge of technological advances has impacted me in a major way, as it allowed me to meet people I otherwise wouldn’t have through and keep in touch with friends who have moved away. To be overly dramatic about it, technology has made me who I am today.

When it comes to my writing, technology has significantly improved that as well. Since a young age I’ve been around computers; my father was a computer programmer, and as such, I have always been technologically literate. I started using computers regularly when I was a mere four years old, and once I started school, I made frequent trips to the computer lab of my little people school to practice typing with the programs they had there. By fourth grade, I had gotten my typing speed up to nearly 70 words per minute, and now it rests around 160, factoring out mistakes. This is both a blessing and a hindrance, as often times when I am writing, my fingers tend to move faster than my thought can continue, leading to awkward situations in which I am mid-sentence and get completely lost, having to push myself back and examine the sentence to try and reorient myself into the right mind set (the sad part is I had one of those moments writing that sentence). However, these instances are fairly uncommon, and my typing speed allows me to finish essays like this one in very tight timeframes once I actually get started.

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